What is Generative AI? We asked an AI to explain.

To give you a sense of the capabilities of generative AI whilst also explaining what it is we wrote this article using copy.ai, a platform that helps you to write anything from blog posts to social media copy, powered by generative AI. We also used Midjourney, an image generating model similar to DALL-E 2 and Stable Diffusion, to create the header image for the article. Read on to learn more about the impact generative AI will have on the world and see for yourself what it can do! 

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is the new buzzword in machine learning, and it has the potential to change the way we think about computer systems, how we design them and how they can be used.

Generative AI refers to a new field of machine learning that uses neural networks — models inspired by the structure of animal brains — to create something entirely new. Traditional machine learning algorithms are only able to learn from existing data and cannot produce new information on their own; they only process what was given to them by their human creators. Generative AI is different from traditional machine learning in that it can create original content, for example, artwork, music, or even sentences. 

Generative AI has been around since the 1980s but recent developments have made generating text and images more accurate than ever before. This update has led some people to call this new field "reinforcement learning."

In order for machines to perform these tasks on their own it needs to be trained with data from real people who have already done this task before (for example a picture), so it can learn what makes it work well or not so well (e.g. colors used). Then we want our machine learning model/network to recreate the same thing again but with new data – ideally improving upon what was previously created!

Generative AI has the potential to influence all aspects of human activity, from medicine and law to art, music, and design. For example, generative AI could help us understand how cancer cells work or generate new ideas for architecture, or even draw pictures that you would like to see in your house.

Generative AI and Business

As we've discussed, AI will be used in many different industries and will help create new products, services, and business models. In fact, it could even change the way you work.

For example: if you are a marketer for an online retailer, you might use generative AI to produce more relevant ads for your customers by learning about their past purchases and interests. You could even create a personalized advertisement that would only show up when a customer is browsing your website. This kind of advertising is much more appealing than banner ads or pop-ups that appear while browsing other websites—so with generative AI technology behind it, this type of marketing can be very effective at driving sales while improving the user experience at the same time!

What is the future of Generative AI?

Generative AI will allow people to be more creative, innovative and imaginative. It has the potential to remove the limits of human imagination and create new ideas that we could not have possibly imagined before.

This can be achieved through an approach known as generative design where you start with a set of rules or constraints, then let it run for a while. You can then see what designs it comes up with which may help you figure out how to solve your problem or discover new ways of thinking about it.

Generative AI is opening up new possibilities for how we work, play and create. It’s a field that holds great promise for consumers, businesses, governments and nonprofit organizations. We’re excited to see what happens next! 

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