Workspace for agencies
powered by AI

Collaborate on projects with clients, automate recurring jobs, and flexibly organize all the data needed to run your agency.

I want to manage events and tasks for my clients
A solution in Skippet. Generated with AI to manage clients, their events, their companies, and the tasks to set events up.
A transformative piece of paper folding into objects like a plane and boat exemplifies Skippet’s adaptability, offering solutions tailored to unique needs.

Run your agency in one system. Tailored to your needs with AI.

Three people emerge from a Skippet-powered stair, chair, and screen, collaborating to piece together a jigsaw puzzle, showcasing the essence of teaming up in Skippet to finish projects.

Collaborate with clients from your workspace

Maintaining multiple systems for client collaboration and project tracking is painful. Store all your data in Skippet and give access to clients with advanced permissions.

A calendar in Skippet. To view deadlines of projects in a calendar and go through them in monthly, weekly, or daily views.
Three people examine and deliberate the optimal route on a Skippet-infused foldable map, signifying a team evaluating their project roadmap.

Track and visualize your projects

Customize how you track deadlines, priorities, and sub-tasks. Create birds-eye views of your work in dashboards. Organize clients’ data in the same place as your projects.

A board in Skippet. To track each task’s progress through different steps in the process.
A person uses a Skippet-boosted pole to vault over a towering pile of paperwork, illustrating the ease of overcoming business challenges and mastering data with Skippet.

Automate repeating client jobs

Don’t manually recreate your process everytime—instead generate your workflows automatically. Connect to other apps with integrations and send custom notifications.

Automations settings in Skippet. Automations let Skippet do actions automatically whenever specific conditions defined through triggers are met.

Customizable to every type of agency.

Sales agency

Store the leads and meetings for each of your clients and track KPIs in dashboards.

Events agency

Manage event details, checklists, tasks, and budgets.

Marketing agency

Track campaigns and organize content.

Design studio

Manage your design process, store assets and share your work with clients.


Automate your payroll and month-close checklists and share reports with clients.

Dev agency

Track and comment on issues, plan sprints, distribute work in your team for all your clients.

Tailor Skippet to your agency’s workflow with AI.

Just describe your needs and receive a tailored system to organize your data in minutes, not days or weeks.

I want to manage the recruitment process of candidates
A solution in Skippet. Generated with AI to manage recruitment, from open positions to candidates and interviews.

Check out Skippet in action.